India Brady

India has been part of the team at Bamberry Lawyers since 2018, and following her admission to the profession in 2021, has worked tirelessly for our clients in helping them through the most stressful situations of their lives

India gravitated towards criminal law specifically as it fulfils her passion for helping others.  They may have lost family, friends, employment or their mental sanity as a result of criminal charges. India aims to give individuals a voice who may not otherwise be able to express themselves or their situation.  She knows that her assistance and input can make a positive difference to clients going through the stressful process of facing criminal charges.

India holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice from Griffith University. After completing her professional legal training, India was admitted to the Supreme Court of Queensland as a Solicitor in 2021.

India is an experienced criminal defence solicitor, appearing in court daily in matter from the Magistrates court to the Supreme Court. She is talented, knowledgeable about the law, and a fearless advocate.
